What We Do. And How We Do It.

 Connecting Youth represents a synergy of programs, people, policies, and practices rooted in Positive Youth Development. We believe our mission can thrive when all community segments play a role. This includes families and caregivers, educators and administrators, athletic coaches, health care providers, business leaders, civic groups, and faith leaders.

Explore Our Work ⬇️

Mentoring Programs

CY Mentoring is one of the largest mentoring programs in Vermont, serving more than 150 5th-12th graders across Champlain Valley School District. School-based programs support our middle school mentor/mentee pairs while community-based programs support our high school pairs.

Student Assistance Program

Student Assistance Programs can be found in schools throughout the U.S. The program was modeled after the adult, Employee Assistance Program (EAP) and Student Assistance Professionals (SAPs) aim to bridge the gap between public health and education for youth in schools. 

Youth Empowerment 

Connecting Youth creates opportunities for CVSD students to engage in social advocacy issues and make real change. 

From GSAs (Gender Sexual Alliances) to tobacco prevention groups like VKAT (Vermont Kids Against Tobacco) and OVX (Our Voices Exposed), CY encourages students to take ownership of situations affecting their lives and their communities.

image courtesy of Seattle Times

Prevention Education 

Youth prevention can look like a lot of things. But the proven common denominator across prevention strategies is connection. Connecting Youth follows the Search Institute's strength-based approach to prevention, promoting developmental assets to counter the liklihood and impact of risk factors.