Our Mission
What We Do. And How We Do It.
Embedded in our district, Connecting Youth represents a synergy of programs, people, policies, and practices rooted in Positive Youth Development. We believe our mission thrives when all community segments play a role. This includes families and caregivers, educators and administrators, athletic coaches, health care providers, business leaders, civic groups, and faith leaders.
Our Impact
25 Years of CY Mentoring
Each January marks National Mentoring Month. And this year, 2025, CVSD is celebrating 25 years of Connecting Youth’s mentoring program. The program has paired thousands of mentors with local students, providing support during pivotal moments in their lives. This year, CY Mentoring serves 184 5th-12th graders across Champlain Valley School District.
According to Mentor National, one in three young people will grow up without a trusted mentor to turn to for support outside of their immediate family; CY Mentoring exists to foster meaningful relationships and help close that gap.
Part of CVSD Connecting Youth's work includes creating opportunities for youth empowerment and advocacy.
In February, 2024, middle school students from Williston Central and Hinesburg Central joined over 160 youth from across the state in Montpelier in support of S.18 - Vermont's bill to ban flavored tobacco products. Our students bravely shared their stories on the capitol steps, spoke to legislators caucusing on the floor, and generally had an unmissable presence in the State House all morning.
These advocates didn't just stand up, they spoke up, inspiring all with their passion and conviction. Connecting Youth is proud to amplify their voices, and we encourage you to join them in advocating for a healthier future!
CVSD Connecting Youth's programs and people are key ingredients in the above state statistic. With one of the largest mentor programs in Vermont and dedicated Student Assistance Professionals in each school, we continue to contribute to the social and emotional learning and positive development of our youth.
Prevention is at the core of Connecting Youth's mission and we're is committed to continue decreasing EVP use through prevention education.
In 2022, CY was awarded a grant from the Vermont Department of Health to implement a district-wide vaping prevention campaign. Approached holistically, CY aims to shift the cultural narrative around EVP use from punitive to restorative, treating vaping as a health concern NOT a character flaw.